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The 6 Step Blueprint for Creating

Story Focused Talks That Engage and Sell!

Go from struggling to share your message to speaking with confidence and impact!


This powerful masterclass takes you through my proven 6-step ‘Heart Map’ blueprint for creating powerful, authentic talks and content using stories that sell without ‘selling. It will help you increase audience engagement on your webinars, podcasts, videos and of course on stage, so that you get more sales, subscribers, followers and speaking opportunities.

Deb Mashek PHD
Joy Burnford

The next Live Masterclass will be held via Zoom on

11th June November 2024 at 15:30(BST)

The Masterclass runs for approximately 1h 45mins









Book a place for 11th June
Sarah Archer's Heart Map

(This isn't the actual Heart Map, but a very snazzy artist's impression!)

This is what I’ll be covering in the session.

Step One:
How to grab that most precious thing...your audience’s attention, so that they’ll put down their phones and listen

Step Two:
The most powerful asset you have, (that you may not even be using), and that could be earning you thousands.

Step Three:
Get this part of your talk right and your audience will be ready to say, “yes”!

Step Four:
This is the bit where you add massive value, without giving the crown jewels away, AND create desire for your idea, product or service.

Step Five:
Wipe away any last doubts, give them a final glimpse of what is possible and build trust in this penultimate step.

Step Six:
Here you give them something to remember alongside your Call to Action.

Plus!!! I’ll be sharing:

1. The Mindset Hack that Will Free You from Public Speaking Anxiety; and

2. The Four questions your speaking and marketing needs to answer to get a ‘yes’ decision

You will also get a workbook ahead of the Masterclass and, if you attend the live session, you’ll receive a copy of the HEART MAP blueprint to take away and keep! 

Skeptical about the value of using the ‘heart map’ blueprint or little ole’ me?

Have a gander at these...

Masterclass feedback
Masterclass feedback
Masterclass feedback
Masterclass feedback
Masterclass feedback
Masterclass feedback
Masterclass feedback
Masterclass feedback

What My Students Have to say...

Verla Fortier

Meet Verla - one of my Story Led Speaking Students, who has been using the Office Hours sessions every week for the last 12 months.

Jackie Brennan

Jackie worked with me on her Signature Talk after becoming a member of my Speaking Club Live Membership.

Katherine Brooke-Mackenzie

Meet Katherine Brooke-Mackenzie - who overcame her fear of speaking after coaching with me.

Anthony Taylor

Meet Anthony Taylor - who secured new clients and more speaking gigs after working with me in a 6 week 1-2-1 coaching program.

About Your Workshop Host

Hi, I'm Sarah Archer, speaking and marketing coach, writer and performer. 

I help coaches, experts and heart centred business owners make their speaking and marketing content engaging and compelling. 

Alongside that I’m a comedian, actress, speaker, writer and ex member of the corporate world...although you may know me from my podcast, The Speaking Club, (which is in the top 1.5% of podcasts and now in over 192 countries!)

This mix means I'm uniquely qualified to teach you how to create content that makes your audience sit up and listen, and to deliver it with the storytelling, humour and performance skills that will make them fall in love with your message...and I’ve helped hundreds of people do just that through my podcast, online courses, and 121 coaching. 

I’d love to help you too and look forward to catching up with you LIVE at one of my Workshops!

Sarah Signed
Sarah Archer

© Sarah Archer | Lemon Squeeze Limited 2024

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